Further talks are being confirmed - please check back for more announcements
SEF SALEM: Fool’s Errand: It’s Not All In Your Head
Prior to the Grimoire revival of the last ten years, the psychological model of esotericism was prevalent and is still widely adhered to today, especially in postmodern or
deconstructionist movements such as chaos magick and agnostic witchcraft.
With decades of study, practice, conversation, and devotion to spirits and deities in multiple traditions, Sef Salem will outline the pitfalls of believing such entities are merely facets of one’s own psyche, and moreover why it’s plainly rude.
Expect tales of high strangeness, exorcism anecdotes, and weird synchronicities which cannot be explained away.
It’s really not just all in your head.
PHIL BAKER: Fool and Magus: The Sorceries of Austin Osman Spare
The artist and occultist Austin Osman Spare (1886-1956) was a complex man who played many roles in his life.
He was initially feted by the Edwardian art world for his paintings and drawings which pre-dated the surrealists in their use of unconscious forces.
He also developed a system of sorcery using sigils and scripts that is widely regarded to have been an influence in the birth of chaos magick.
And yet... he died all-but forgotten and in penury.
He remained obscure until interest in both 'psychedelic' art and the 60s occult revival led to a renaissance in his work.
He was then re-discovered and advocated by new audiences, such as Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin and Alan Moore, and later by the British music underground including Throbbing Gristle and Coil.
Phil Baker, who has written perhaps the definitive biography of Spare, will be taking us through a short history of his life, his art, and his sorceries!